There the poor thing lay, even more lifeless than before, and 10 lbs heavier from the rain.

Bailey was clearly upset by her find & wasn't sure how to react. This was her favorite toy & he no longer cooed when she nuzzled him. What could we do?
I decided to take charge, grab the bird by the butt & shake the life into him.

After slamming him down onto the concrete patio many times I could see this wasn't getting us anywhere. He was still heavy with water. I started snout to beak & pumping his tummy with my paw. A gurgled coo burst from his bird belly! He was back with us again. Things were still far from normal so I decided the best place for our saturated little friend was on mom's pillow. No? No?!
Change of plans. Mom took over & the next day our friend was back to normal so we could abuse him with love, but he's now designated as an indoor toy.
Really love this blog, so cute, very funny and well written!
I left you a recipe (on your recipes post) for liver cake and banana cake.
If you're interested there's a link to a film of Uno in the ring at Westminster, you'll find it on the Scottish Beagle Club website, on the links page. Enjoy!
Thank you very much! We've enjoyed your blog as well. Your puppies are so beautiful & the sidebar of your blog is hilarious. We look forward to reading more. Thank you for the link & the bit about Uno & also the tasty treat recipe!
Many wags & wiggles,
Haley & Bailey
You're very welcome! Lovely to have you dropping by and thanks for the comment! I hope Mater turns up too, must be awful for his owner.......Alfie was once missing overnight, he saw a deer and was off like a shot, we thought we'd never see him again, when we found him the next morning it was during a blizzard and he could barely open his eyes, never been so pleased to see him!
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