Today while sniffing around for other Beagle Bloggers we ran across this.
By now we should all be aware that thousands of good animals are euthanized by shelters but we usually never see the faces. :( Poor Fred. Wasn't he a cutie?!?
We have a full house right now but our next Beagle brother or sister will be a shelter Beagle.
We had a feline brother that was deemed "unadoptable" from a shelter & put on death row. Luckily a friend let us rescue him and he turned out to be the most loveable baby for 13 years. We must not give up on these animals.
Little Big Girl
3 days ago
Hi Haley and Bailey,
Thanks for dropping by my blog.
It irks me when dogs have to be euthanised because of human's selfishness, lack of responsibility and eagerness for novelty.
In certain countries, convicts are executed as a form of punishment. But what do we dogs do to deserve such treatment?
Because we are tame enough to be domesticated? Because we trust human beings too much?
Sweet Licks,
Well said Sugar! We couldn't agree more.
many wags & wiggles,
Bailey & Haley
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